Breaking Christian News

Free Speech Victory: University Violated Constitution by Punishing Professor for Using Wrong Pronouns

Michael Foust : Mar 30, 2021
Christian Headlines

If professors lacked free-speech protections when teaching, [Judge] Thapar wrote, "a university would wield alarming power to compel ideological conformity. A university president could require a pacifist to declare that war is just, a civil rights icon to condemn the Freedom Riders, a Believer to deny the existence of God, or a Soviet émigré to address his students as 'comrades.' That cannot be."

[] An Ohio university violated the free speech rights of a professor when it disciplined and threatened him with termination for not using the preferred pronouns of a transgender student, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. (Screengrab image: via ADF)

The controversy began in 2018, when Shawnee State University philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether said "yes, sir" to a biologically male student who identifies as female. The student approached Meriwether after class and requested to be referenced with female pronouns and titles, but Meriwether—a devout Christian—said his sincerely held religious beliefs prevented him from communicating messages about gender identity that he believes to be false... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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