Breaking Christian News

WHO Insider Blows the Whistle on Bill Gates' Shocking Influence on the Organization, and How It Affects Nations

Dr. Joseph Mercola-Opinion : Mar 22, 2021

What does Gates have to benefit from controlling the WHO? How about the best investment he ever made, with many tens of billions of dollars running through his "nonprofit" GAVI Vaccine Alliance? The maniacal suppression and censorship of any inexpensive natural alternative for COVID-19 makes perfect sense now.

airlift[] ...OK folks, today you are in for a real treat. We have presented many of the pieces previously, but this will help put them in the proper perspective. That is the phase we are in now. We have the facts, we just need to understand what they mean and interpret them properly. (Image: Screengrab via LifeSiteNews)

This is a really important article. It catalyzed my understanding of what the heck is going on. The facts are obvious; the entire response to the global pandemic was facilitated by the World Health Organization. Their recommendations were followed lock-step by virtually every government on Earth.

No one will dispute this fact. The next data point is: Who controls the WHO? Some will dispute this, but the evidence is pretty clear and solid. It is Bill Gates, who became the WHO's biggest funder when then-President Trump removed US support last year.

What does Gates have to benefit from controlling the WHO? How about the best investment he ever made, with many tens of billions of dollars running through his "nonprofit" GAVI Vaccine Alliance? The maniacal suppression and censorship of any inexpensive natural alternative for COVID-19 makes perfect sense now.

These natural therapies, nebulized hydrogen peroxide being the best example, would be serious competition for the vaccines. If everyone knew that these remedies were readily available, highly effective and practically free, who would risk their life for a vaccine? Virtually no one. It all makes perfect sense.

With that framework, enjoy the information our team has compiled that expands on this general concept. Every day we are putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and the more pieces we fit together, the sooner you will see the bigger picture. More to come in the very near future.

WHO insider speaks out

In July 2020, four German attorneys founded the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss1).2,3 In the video above, the founding members, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,4 interviews Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, about what she discovered about Bill Gates and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Continue reading and watch the insider video here.