Breaking Christian News

Mexican President: 'We Cannot' Congratulate Biden before Results are Official

Anthony Murdoch : Nov 23, 2020

"The position of the government that I represent is to wait for the United States authorities in charge of the electoral process to decide on the winner for the presidency." -Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexican president

airlift[] The populist left-leaning President of Mexico doubled down in a press conference on November 9, arguing that Mexico "cannot act recklessly" in congratulating Joe Biden as the "potential" winner of the 2020 US presidential elections until official results are posted. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons-Credit: ProtoplasmaKid)

"I want to make it clear, to inform the people of Mexico, regarding the United States elections, the position of the government that I represent is to wait for the United States authorities in charge of the electoral process to decide on the winner for the presidency," said Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the press conference.

"We cannot act recklessly, it is not only a matter of form, it is also of substance. I have the power, and at the same time the obligation, to adjust to the constitutional mandate, in terms of foreign policy, and Article 89 of the Constitution, section 10, is very clear ... it establishes that foreign policy must be guided by the principles of non-intervention and self-determination ... [We] cannot meddle in the politics of other countries ... We have to be respectful"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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