Breaking Christian News

11-11Jesus: Join This Historic Moment Nov. 11th at 11am for 'Such a Time as This' for America

News Staff : Nov 10, 2020

November 11, 2020, marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower's arrival to America. Before disembarking on November 11, 1620, the settlers signed the Mayflower Compact, which laid the foundation of our American democracy, our liberty, and our law and order. The Mayflower Compact stated their purpose as "For the glory of God and the advancements of the Christian faith." On this historical anniversary, Christians of every race, denomination, and political party will stand TOGETHER as ONE NATION UNDER GOD committed to fulfill our God-given purpose and to declare JESUS IS LORD in our land!

[11-11Jesus] Note from BCN editor: November 11th is significant to Americans because it is a day we honor our Veterans. But it is also the day in 1620 when the pilgrims, having arrived in America, signed the Mayflower Compact, which was a declaration "by the grace of God" that this country exists for His glory. This year of 2020 marks the 400th anniversary of this, and especially in light of the Presidential Election, this hour of prayer, worship and declaration seems to have become a "such a time as this" moment in our history. May all Believers join together on 11-11 at 11am and pray for our beloved country. Spread the word! -Aimee Herd, BCN (Image: Unsplash-Amaury Gutierrez)

At 11am on November 11th, join with other Believers across America and do the following:

  1. Grab your cell phone, friends and family or neighbors
  2. Head to the main street of your town, or the beach
  3. Use your phone to access the 11-11Jesus YouTube video that will be added that morning, and follow along with other Believers all throughout America, in unified prayer, worship, Scripture and declaration that Jesus is Lord over this country we love.

The Origin of This Call to Stand in Prayer—from 11-11Jesus: 11 years ago, before I knew a person could "get a word" in New Testament times, the Lord "gave me a word." It has never changed. He has confirmed it repeatedly. It is for NOW. As it "plays out," it will be dramatic and clear that THIS IS OF GOD. Here is the original word—January 2009...

Call America to a fast. There must be repentance and there must be unity. America must 'look like' Nineveh or America will cease to exist. NO one man or organization will do this. It will be known as a move of God and I will get ALL the glory. Take 'it' to the leaders first. If they don't 'come on board,' it is still going to happen. It will rise up from the grass roots. I have given myriad people, myriad platforms with millions of followers. The technology is in place and when 'it' goes, it will 'go' at lightning speed. The world will be watching and they will see that I AM who I say I am and how I respond to the cries of My children. Thousands will be saved in America. Stadiums will be full and the Gospel will go forth to the final four corners of the earth from these shores." He later told me, "It" will be an all-out battle and will "look like" Elijah and the prophets of Baal." and at some point, He said, "The president will call for it and participate." (I had no idea who the President would be.)

It will be dramatic and clear that this is OF GOD. There is more that He added in time. See part of the continuing 11 year journey in story form below, with some key points concerning this moment in history.  Highlighted in red are His specific words. 

God seems to be tying time, space, history and His people ALL together on a specific, clearly significant date. November 11, 2020. The Lord said specifically, "That is the date and I will not be budged" and reminded me that He has also said, "...I have given myriad people, myriad platforms, the technology is in place and when "it" goes, it will go at lightning speed..." 

For those beloved of the Lord who don't believe this type of thing still happens, I had always been taught that they didn't. But for the last eleven years, as I began a journey—just me and the Lord—I  have learned to walk and live completely by faith—praying only and it has become as clear as a bell to ME that the Lord speaks to us today. Dates and pictures are attached to the amazing things [that] have happened, along with what the Lord showed was happening ... and later the news reported and confirmed. There are eyewitnesses. I believe that our God is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. I  believe He is the same miracle-working God and is about to do something of Biblical proportions.  Let's come together and see what HE shall do.

My story, aside ... no one need believe any of the above or even what I share below to unite on November 11th (2020) at 11:00. We are ALL aware that America is in grave danger and God is our hope.

January, 2009 ... as I sat, looking in disbelief at the front page news that day on my computer, distressed reading that American aid was being reinstated to China for mandatory abortions,  suddenly the Lord dropped into my spirit, "Call America to a fast." Then, clearly ...  "There must be repentance and there must be unity." "America must 'look like' Nineveh'."  (There is more to the day and how this was confirmed. I am happy to share at some point but I want to just share the actual words He has spoken for now). 

As time went on ... He added, "NO one man or organization will do this. It will be known as a move of God and I will get ALL the glory. Take 'it' to the leaders first. If they don't 'come on board,' it is still going to happen. It will rise up from the grass roots. (Taking it to the leaders was in the form of a request for leaders to come together in a war room situation to pray and fast and listen to the Lord and plan a unified strategy  for the Body of Christ—with no one person as "the" leader.) 

He continued, "I have given myriad people, myriad platforms with millions of followers. The technology is in place and when 'it' goes, it will 'go' at lightning speed. The world will be watching and they will see that I am who I say I am and how I respond to the cries of My children. Thousands will be saved in America. Stadiums will be full and the Gospel will go forth to the final four corners of the earth from these shores." (Of interes—this is what Rev. Hunt and first settlers declared in 1607. Keep reading.)

Later, around 2010, He showed me "every city, every state ... at the same time." I "saw", sudden small fires, randomly light and spring up, seemingly on their own, all across America and people were worshipping and singing before the Lord. I "knew" of the similitude of the story of Jehoshaphat—they moved from fear and not knowing what to do  ... to hearing and obeying—thanking God and celebrating even before the deliverance.

July 4, 2016, The Lord said to, "Make an official declaration of war against the plans of the enemy for America." "Make it 'official.'" He showed me that when no official declaration is made, it turns out like Vietnam. When a declaration is officially made, it will play out like WWII. The battle we are fighting is spiritual, Ephesians 6. An official declaration of war was read in Colorado Springs, as near the entrance to NORAD (where incoming threats to the United States are monitored) as possible. People stood in their home states and read the same declaration in agreement at the same time as I read it over for the nation.
So ... what does Cape Henry have to do with the Pilgrims and November 11th in 2020? 

In December 2016, the Lord sent me to Cape Henry and showed me to unite and agree with what Reverend Hunt, and with what he and the Believers had prayed and decreed, when they arrived in 1607. While on VA Beach near Cape Henry, as I read, I noted that attitudes were poor; bickering and divisions had arisen due to the difficulty of the journey ... similar to how we act today.  Rev. Hunt had them fast and pray for three days prior to even stepping foot on "this new land." The first thing they did when they disembarked, was to pray and worship. They dedicated this new world to God, declared that the Gospel would go all across this new world and from these shores to the entire world and planted a cross. I realized that what they had spoken was the same word that the Lord had originally spoken to me, as you read above. He said,"...the world will be watching and they will see that I AM who I say I am and how I respond to the cries of My children. Thousands will be saved in America ... and the Gospel will go forth from THESE shores to the final four corners of the earth."

After completing the "assignment" at Cape Henry, heading back to the motel and walking on the beach, I "suddenly saw" a flash of  thousands of people—they were standing and encircling the entire border of the United States. I could "see" an outline of people standing all around America. That seemed "a little much," but "randomly," later that night, he led me to the fact that Germany had closed the autobahn for 24 hours and for 37 miles, setting up tables to eat and spend the day together. I considered that.  I pondered it over the years as I continued walking daily in what He was telling me to do to "clear the path."  Spiritual warfare on the land.  

On what is known as "Easter" Sunday, 2019—looking out my window, God said, "This time next year, everything will look completely different." I had no idea what would happen in 2020.

Then again, suddenly, the end of May, 2019, the Lord said, "NOW (is the time)" regarding the vision He had shown me in 2016 of people standing all around and in the United States. A bit of shock—but within a couple of hours,  Hands Across America in 1986 was brought to my attention. Based on their calculations and the mileage around the nation and projecting how many would stand in their own cities—the number 20 million came [to] me. Eleven11at11. One day. One hour began to take shape and the Lord was strongly confirming. 

The Lord said, "This is the date and I will not be budged." As we pressed in for 2019, we didn't have anywhere near the number I had been given. Discouragement and doubt set in but I heard now 20 million / 2020. I realized the date would be after the election and knew something would go awry surrounding the election. (I was just shown the significance of last years date and why it had to happen, what the enemy has done because of it and how God is turning that into HIS VICTORY! I will add that at some point.) (Screengrab image)

In early April, I was heavily prompted about the dates of April 26th and 29th, 2020, then led to Moravian Falls where the Lord said do additional specific work—speaking ONLY Scripture that He would show and to release  (I will share the details at another time or contact me) 20 million angels.  Once there, I found that the dates that Reverend Hunt and group arrived at Cape Henry were the same as I had just been given.  On April 26, 1607 they pulled up to the land and stepped onto the land and prayed the prayer above on April 29th. Each of these dates He is bringing to 2020 are historically aligned. NOVEMBER 11 BOTH completely orchestrated and connected to the date and time he gave—November 11th. 

Somewhere along the way, He also said that, "it" (November 11, 20 million—2020) will be an all-out battle and will "look like" Elijah and the prophets of Baal." And at some point, He said, "The president will call for it and participate."

11-11@11 is almost shockingly different than anything I had envisioned, though it fits precisely with everything He said all along, the specific work He has done through "this" vessel for the last 11 years and what everyone else has been and is still currently doing. There has been NO change from the first word I received. The Lord was clear that NO ONE'S name will be "a" name and no one will claim this moment in time as "their" idea, including me.

The time is here. ON the 400th anniversary that MAYFLOWER COMPACT was signed and the PILGRIMS dedicated this land to God and the Christian faith, believers will unite to again declare the same, as the world watches. America has always been watched but what's happening in 2020 and near the election has ALL eyes on us. God's PERFECT timing. HE REIGNS and Jesus is Lord. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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