Intercessors For America: What Are the Prophetic Voices Saying About the 2020 Election?
Kim Potter-IFA Contributing Author : Nov 6, 2020
Intercessors For America
Listen. Be encouraged. Be reminded. Take notes. War in prayer with these prophecies! The battle is not over. Not until every Word God has spoken is fulfilled.
[] Father, give us discernment and direction in prayer. (Image: Flickr-White House)
The events of this week have many in turmoil. Some are fearful. Others are wondering if God is hearing our prayers.
1 Peter 3:12 answers that question. "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer."
God is not only hearing our prayers, but great power is being released because of our continued intercession.
"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." The Amplified Bible says it so well: "The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]."
God has given His Church many weapons, prayer is one of them.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:4)
Another powerful weapon is found in 1 Timothy 1:18. It is prophecy.
"This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare."
We have heard it said, "Some peace only comes after war." This is a true statement. There are, indeed, times we must war with the weapons God has given us.
That is where 1 Timothy 1:18 comes into play.
Prophecies from God are powerful. They are encouraging. They lift us up when we need to be reminded of what God has said. But their effectiveness does not end there.
They are also weapons.
There are times we must take prophecies and war with them. We must stand before God and remind Him of His Word. Isaiah 43:26 says, "Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together."
Furthermore, we must remind the devil what God has said. He knows full well, God always has the final say.
Below you will find recent prophecies, as well as some by prophets who are now with the Lord. They all speak into the season we are currently in. These weapons were given to us for such a time as this. To encourage, yes, but also for which to war with.
Listen. Be encouraged. Be reminded. Take notes. War in prayer with these prophecies! The battle is not over. Not until every Word God has spoken is fulfilled.
Kim Clement – The Trump Prophecies
Hank Kunneman – Presidential Election
Hank Kunneman – Media, Supreme Court, New Era
Charlie Shamp – Pennsylvania
Charlie Shamp – Halls of the Capital
Mark Taylor – 2011 Prophecy
Jeremiah Johnson – 2020
Dr. Francis Myles – November Surprises
Curt Landry – Prophesy God's Plan
Wanda Alger – The 2020 Election Will Be Settled in the Courts
John Natale – Trump 2020 Prophecy and November 6 prophecy
A Servant's Heart – What If????
Jill Steele – Make America God's Again
"So shall My Word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it" (Is 55:11) Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here
Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and Kim's message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to