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'Well beyond' Court Packing: Biden Proposes Commission to Transform Supreme Court

Calvin Freiburger : Oct 23, 2020

In a new interview with 60 Minutes, the former vice president said he will ask a "bipartisan commission of scholars" to "come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system because it's getting out of whack."

[] In an apparent attempt to defuse lingering question as to whether he would "pack" the Supreme Court as president, Democrat nominee Joe Biden will establish a "bipartisan commission of scholars" to propose ways to "reform" the federal judiciary, if elected. (Image: Pixabay- Mark Thomas)

"Court-packing" refers to expanding the number of Supreme Court justices to rig outcomes in the president's favor, which President Franklin D. Roosevelt famously attempted in hopes of stopping the court from striking down his New Deal economic policies. Modern Democrats and their supporters have called for doing the same if they regain power, particularly as a response to the impending confirmation of President Donald Trump's third Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

In a new interview with 60 Minutes, the former vice president said he will ask a "bipartisan commission of scholars" to "come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system because it's getting out of whack."

"And it's not about court packing," Biden said. "There's a number of other things that our constitutional scholars have debated and I've looked to see what recommendations that commission might make"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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