Breaking Christian News

Day 70: Elderly Portland Woman Attacked as She Stands against Antifa Trying to Set Precinct on Fire

Victoria Taft : Aug 7, 2020

And, once again, people with "press" affixed to their black-bloc attire participated in the violence. Recently, a judge ordered police not to interfere with "reporters" covering the riots displaying "press" on their clothes. Now even more antifa members are "the press."

[] The group that House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler insists is a myth attacked an elderly woman who stood up to antifa thugs trying to set the East Portland Police Precinct on fire. (Screengrab image: via Portland Police)

Portland Police reported that the woman stood in front of the East Precinct, apparently taking a stand against efforts to burn it. They shrieked at the woman who protested, "This isn't your world anymore!"

Several people responding to the video of the woman claimed she deserved it because she got in antifa's way.

The black-bloc-clad mob later confronted a woman using a walker, who brought a fire extinguisher to put out a fire set by antifa thugs. Antifa members ripped off notes and hearts on the East Precinct left by police supporters and set them on fire in an oil barrel next to the precinct... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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