Breaking Christian News

Intercessors For America: Is It a Demonic Setback, Or a Divine Setup?

Wanda Alger-Opinion : Apr 2, 2020
Intercessors For America

...God is working something deep within our hearts to prepare us for what is ahead. He is using everything the devil is throwing at us to equip us for our future. How we respond in this season will determine our readiness and ability to succeed in the seasons ahead...

[] More than 10 days ago, I had a dream about some rats in the White House. They were like mini-robots being implanted within individuals, controlled by remote. I knew that these rats were going after good people to make them compromise the truth for political gain. I urged intercessors to pray that these rats would be exposed, the connections short-circuited, and the remotes cut off... (Image: Pixabay)

I, along with many other Believers, felt that President Trump's declaration for an Easter breakthrough last week was prophetically inspired. Though a long shot compared to the statistics, people of faith were stirred to align with the promise. But earlier this week the President announced that the Guidelines for social distancing have been extended beyond Easter by two more weeks. Because of the counsel from his advisors, President Trump backed off his initial declaration. It appears his prophetic promise has now been postponed. The work of rats?

...Even as we pray for those being negatively affected by this "invisible enemy" (as the President calls it), we must not forget the real enemies—principalities and powers determined to destroy this nation at any and all costs.

And yet, even in the midst of this demonic rat infestation, God is working something deep within our hearts to prepare us for what is ahead. He is using everything the devil is throwing at us to equip us for our future. How we respond in this season will determine our readiness and ability to succeed in the seasons ahead. I also believe God is positioning President Trump for a spiritual upgrade that is going to strategically prepare him for the next four years in the White House.

Kim Clement prophesied in 2007 that there would be a President who would come into office as a nominal Believer but leave as a Spirit-filled man of power. I believe this crisis has the potential to launch Trump into an encounter with God that will promote him from a savvy businessman to a spirit-emboldened presidential prophet! Realizing the limits of his own skills and abilities to fix things, Donald J. Trump can walk in a personal revelation of the resurrected Christ and the limitless power of His Spirit. Just think of the exploits this President will do knowing the spiritual implications of his mission beyond an economy, health benefits, or national infrastructure! I believe we have only seen the beginning of what God wants to do in this nation under Trump's leadership. It could be that this worst-case scenario might be the very thing that ushers in a miraculous move of God, starting with our President.

It is critical for intercessors to pray for President Trump right now.
You can send him a message that you are praying–just click here and follow the instructions.

We must pray that the controlling spirits working by remote would come to light. There are political puppeteers out of the public eye who must be brought into the light. These strongmen must be expelled and forever disempowered for the sake of our children. We must also pray that the President's heart would be protected from those seeking to take advantage of his compassion for the American people. He has let down his guard and opened himself to counselors with a mixed agenda. The rats must be dealt with and wise counsel restored.

If being brought to "nothing" brings us to our knees, it only means the best is yet to come. Regardless of what challenges lie ahead, I believe that what seems like a demonic setback to many might actually be a divine SET UP for glorious days ahead! Even as the adversary uses witchcraft to conjure up predictions and manipulate minds, so can the Holy Spirit fall in great power to nullify every curse and cancel every scheme from the dark side! If we can allow this time of stripping and humbling to purify our hearts and sanctify our priorities, we will be perfectly positioned for a manifestation of God's glory and resurrection power, regardless of the timing.

Easter, after all, isn't about a date on the calendar, but a timeless reality of the Spirit. Let's align ourselves with THAT. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including "Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God." Follow her blog at