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'Kind of a Big Deal': Has US Atheism Peaked? Study Shows Growth among Religious 'Nones' Declining

Tré Goins-Phillips : Feb 12, 2020

"The growth of the 'nones' may actually be slowing or possibly even slightly reversing itself. @PaulDjupe and I looked at four data sources, and the finding is consistent across all of them." -Ryan Burge-Twitter

[] The percentage of religiously unaffiliated Americans—or "nones," as they are called—has been growing for some time. But new data suggests it might finally be leveling off, or even declining. (Image: Pixabay)

Paul Djupe and Ryan Burge, co-authors of the Religion in Public blog, have analyzed data seemingly showing that the growth of "nones" (combining atheists, agnostics, and those "nothing in particular") could actually be "slowing or possibly even slightly reversing itself"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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