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HEALTH: 12 Effective Ways to Prepare and Reduce Your Risk of the Coronavirus

Dr. Don Colbert : Feb 10, 2020
Amazing Health Advances

While the Coronavirus is not currently a huge threat in the United States, it's prudent to take steps to reduce your risk of the coronavirus and all respiratory viruses at this time. After all, the flu kills thousands of people in our country every year. -Dr. Don Colbert

[Amazing Health Advances] If you've viewed the television or a newspaper in the last two weeks, you've surely heard of the fast-spreading coronavirus. It's sweeping across cities in China and has spread to many countries (in small numbers) throughout the world. Overall, there are at least 12,000 cases at present. But, should you be concerned? And if you are, how can you reduce your risk of the coronavirus? (Image: Unsplash /via Amazing Health Advances)

There are many commonsense, natural measures you can take to reduce your risk of the coronavirus and other respiratory illnesses. In fact, since this virus shares many similarities of common colds and influenza, these measures are practical and helpful whether concerned about colds, the flu, or the coronavirus.

Here are the facts about coronavirus and 12 Natural Ways to Reduce Your Risk of the Coronavirus.

What Is Coronovirus?

Interestingly, coronaviruses are actually a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals. In fact, human coronaviruses are often responsible for the common cold.

However, the current strain is believed to be an "animal coronavirus," although experts are unsure from which animal it was contracted.

It was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. Its symptoms may appear within 2 days of exposure, and up to 14 days. Alarmingly, there is some indication that it may be spread before symptoms appear, making it difficult to contain. It is a respiratory infection, and most symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections, including:

• Fever
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
• Breathing difficulties

Rare symptoms:

• Pneumonia
• Severe acute respiratory syndrome
• Kidney failure
• Death (extreme cases)

It's important to note that the vast majority of cases are still in China, and that countries such as the US are taking strong measures to identify any risk of infection in those traveling between our countries.

12 Natural Ways to Reduce Your Risk of the Coronovirus

1. Avoid Travel to China and Neighboring Countries
Until the coronavirus is well-contained, it is prudent to avoid traveling to China and neighboring countries at this time. Since the cases and deaths in China are still growing, and it has been difficult to control the spread, do what you can to avoid travel to this area of the world is possible.

2. Stay Updated and Aware
As the world learns more about the coronavirus, and about the implications of those traveling from China to other countries such as the US, we will learn what our true risk is. Especially if you live in an area with a lot of international travel, such as cities with international airports, tune in to stay aware of the cases and risk as it's reported.

3. Wash Hands Throughout the Day
Maybe the most important step you can take to reduce your risk of the coronavirus and all respiratory viruses is to wash your hands throughout the day.

This means after every time you touch public devices and environments, after eating, after touching or being in close contact with others. All-day long.

If washing isn't practical, you can use a gentle hand sanitizer when needed (they are about 60% as effective as washing). What's more, you can use our essential oil tips below to improve a hand sanitizer's effect.

In addition to washing your hands, avoid touching your face.

4. Be Extra Stingy
Our moms may have implored us to share but to reduce your risk of the coronavirus and other respiratory illnesses, be extra-stingy. This means don't share your cups, glasses and eating utensils or anything else that comes in contact with other people's faces or hands.

And, wash your hands often.

5. Up Your Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a key role in the immune system, and study after study has shown that bolstered doses decrease winter-time viruses.

A 2017 analysis of more than 11,000 participants in the British Medical Journal showed that those with vitamin D levels of <10 ng/mL had a higher risk of respiratory infections compared to those at 10 ng/mL or greater (5).

Yet another study found that 2000 IU of vitamin D resulted in a significantly reduced risk of viral respiratory infections in school-aged children (1).

Other studies point to the same, so try 2000 IU vitamin D per day throughout the winter-virus season and this outbreak.

6. Take Elderberry as a Safe and Effective Virus Fighter
Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a traditional berry that is known for its amazing virus and bacteria-fighting properties.

In fact, it helps our bodies make antibodies against influenza, fights viruses, fights streptococcus, and reduces upper respiratory infections (2).

One analysis of 180 participants found that supplementation with elderberry substantially reduced upper respiratory symptoms, with no adverse effects (3).

You can find black elderberry in many commercial preparations, or use our Elderberry Syrup Health Tonic recipe. It includes other virus fighters such as... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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