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Prayer Needed: This Tweet from General Michael Flynn's Wife Will Break Your Heart

Michael Van Der Galien-Opinion : Feb 10, 2020
PJ Media

"My husband is being treated like he's public enemy #1. All he did was help @realDonaldTrump become POTUS & did his job as incoming NSA. Our GOV that he protected for 33 years turned against him..." -Lori Flynn-Twitter

[] General Michael Flynn and his entire family have gone through Hell for years. It all started with the Russia collusion hoax. The general was interrogated about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. When it became clear that they were going after him, Gen. Flynn and his family must have felt something close to panic; not because the three-star general did something wrong, but because they knew—probably better than most Americans—what they were up against. (Image: General Michael Flynn with his wife Lori /Source: US Military /Open Domain /via PJ Media)

And, indeed, in the end, it looked like they were going to lose this battle. Gen. Flynn himself pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. He hadn't actually lied (as in purposefully telling a falsehood), but he was a) dead-tired and b) just about broke. What's more, he had attorneys who didn't seem to be interested in getting him out of this difficult situation. Just before it was too late, Gen. Flynn switched attorneys. He hired Sidney Powell, who—unlike his earlier "defenders"—is doing everything in her power to restore his good name.

That is a hopeful development, but still. The entire case has had a tremendous impact on Gen. Flynn and his entire family. You only have to read this tweet by his wife Lori to understand just how much they have suffered and continue to suffer... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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