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Mom 'Moved to Tears' at 5-Year-Old Son's Kind Heart When He Did This

Andrea Morris : Jan 8, 2020
CBN News

"The policeman was sitting alone, so I wanted to be nice to him..." -Oliver Navejar

[CBN News] A Nebraska mother was brought to tears after watching her 5-year-old son stop and talk to a police officer for nearly an hour. (Image credit: ABC News /via CBN News)

While playing at an Omaha, Nebraska mall, Oliver Navejar saw Officer William Klees sitting alone at the food court.

Oliver's mom, Danielle Navejar wrote in a Facebook post that he stopped playing and shifted his attention to Officer Klees.

"Tonight I saw Oliver's eyes light up like I never have before. We were at the mall and he was mid tuck and roll in the play area when I saw his eyes shift to something behind me."

She encouraged Oliver to go talk with the officer, so he immediately ran up to him and asked, "Sir, could I please sit with you?"

Navejar wrote that the two talked for 45 minutes.

"The policeman was sitting alone, so I wanted to be nice to him," Oliver said. "So I went over to talk to him and see if I could eat with him."

She explained that Oliver constantly talks about being kind to others so this act of kindness was no surprise, WOWT-TV reports.

"He talks about kindness daily," she said. "I mean, it's a pretty constant thing."

Navejar was moved to tears by her son's generous heart and Officer Klees' willingness to talk with her son for such a long time.

"I was getting him food, and I was crying the whole time. I couldn't even order," she said.

The special time spent between Oliver and the officer sparked a dream for the future.

"Since I ate dinner with one (police officer), I decided I want to be one when I grow up," he said. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here