Breaking Christian News

Netanyahu: Longest Levite Rule in Israel Since Hasmoneans; Will It Continue?

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz : Sep 16, 2019
Breaking Israel News

"I think it is fascinating. Over the years, many Levites have held influential positions. In the current Israeli government, Avigdor Liberman, the head of Yisrael Beytenu, is a Levite as is Yariv Levine, a Likud MK and Minister of Tourism. Significantly, Jerusalem Police Chief Deputy Commissioner Yoram Halevi who is in charge of keeping the peace on the Temple Mount is a Levi." -Gil Hoffman to BIN

[] As the chief political correspondent analyst for the Jerusalem Post, Gil Hoffman's expertise is making sense of the maelstrom that is Israeli politics. But as a Jew in the Holy Land, his insights occasionally take on a Biblical nature. His normal beat is the Knesset and on Monday, while the world was wondering about the Israeli national elections on Tuesday, Hoffman speculated on the spiritual implications. (Image credit: (Marc Israel Sellem /Poll /via JTA)

In a tweet, Hoffman noted that if Netanyahu does not continue as the prime minister, it will end the longest period of time that someone from the tribe of Levi has ruled over Israel since the Hasmonean Dynasty ended in the First Century [AD].

It should be noted that the tribe of Levi served in the Temple and had political responsibilities as well. Moses was a Levite as was his brother, Aaron who became the priest in the Tabernacle. Kohanim (priests) are descendants of Aaron and are, as such, a subset of the Levite clan... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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