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Critics Say NY Times Built a Fake Kavanaugh Bombshell by Omitting Key Details

Amber C. Strong : Sep 16, 2019
CBN News

But it turns out the New York Times report that prompted all that Democrat outrage wasn't entirely truthful. Now, in a revised version of that report, the Times says the alleged victim declined an interview and friends say she does not recall the incident at all.

airlift(Washington, DC) — [CBN News] Nearly half a dozen Democratic presidential candidates spent the weekend calling on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to be impeached after the New York Times published new allegations of sexual assault against him. (Image: Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh /via CBN News)

But now, The Times has seriously revised its original report. Their original story left out a major fact—that the alleged victim doesn't confirm the accusation against Kavanaugh.

According to a new book by a pair of Times reporters, a Yale classmate by the name of Max Stier—who worked to defend President Clinton during legal battles in the 1990s—approached the FBI during Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing to say he witnessed Kavanaugh sexually assault a fellow classmate.

That accusation is similar to another made by Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez that was brought up during Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation.

Throughout the course of that emotional 2018 process, Kavanaugh was accused of assault by three women, accusations he vehemently denied.

"I have never sexually assaulted anyone. Not in high school, not in college, not ever," Kavanaugh testified last year.

Ramirez was contacted by the FBI but according to the Times' original report, this alleged victim was not. That prompted some Democrats to demand impeachment.

"It's more clear than ever that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath. He should be impeached. And Congress should review the failure of the Department of Justice to properly investigate the matter," tweeted presidential candidate Julian Castro.

Fellow candidates Senators Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris followed suit in their calls for impeachment.

"I strongly opposed him based on his views on executive power which will continue to haunt our country as well as how he behaved including the allegation that we are hearing more about today," Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) told ABC This Week.

Former Vice President Joe Biden stopped short of an impeachment call stating, "We need to get to the bottom of whether the Trump Administration and Senate Republicans pressured the FBI to ignore evidence or prevented them from following up on leads relating to Justice Kavanaugh's background investigation."

But it turns out the New York Times report that prompted all that Democrat outrage wasn't entirely truthful. Now, in a revised version of that report, The Times says the alleged victim declined an interview and friends say she does not recall the incident at all.

The National Review's John McCormack writes, "Omitting this fact from the New York Times story is one of the worst cases of journalistic malpractice in recent memory."

"I think this is the New York Times being bitter-enders," accused Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

President Trump is also defending his nominee, tweeting Justice Kavanaugh should sue for libel. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here