Breaking Christian News

'It's All for Our Kids': Hong Kong's Protesters Double Down on Demands for Freedom

Claudia Rosett : Aug 20, 2019

...One after another, these parents told me the protests are all about their children. These are people who know what freedom means, and see it as a vital legacy for the next generation...

(Hong Kong) — [] Undaunted by Chinese troops drilling just across the border and Beijing's threats about perishing by fire, Hong Kong's protesters on Sunday amplified their calls for freedom and democracy. They held a huge rally in which hundreds of thousands spilled peacefully over the cramped boundaries set by police. Some protesters brought their children. Everyone sweltered under the subtropical summer sun, then got soaked in a torrential cloudburst. Most of the protesters then carried on for hours more in the lingering rain, umbrellas deployed and feet wet, calling for "Free Hong Kong" and "Democracy now!" (Image credit: Claudia Rosett for PJ Media)

If there's one message that came across loud and clear, it is that Hong Kongers, in defying Beijing, may be taking on the Goliath of modern tyrannies, but even against terrible odds, they are committed to this contest. That's how much they value freedom... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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