Breaking Christian News

Seeing My Baby's Spine on an Ultrasound Was a Game Changer

Ericka Andersen : Jun 24, 2019

My eyes zeroed in to the skeletal image, each little vertebrae forming a perfect curve of his back. The permanence and reality of my baby couldn't be denied.

[] He's three and a half, he'll tell you. He wakes himself up singing the ABCs and peeks through the crack of his door yelling, "Daaaad Hello?! Daaaad!" when it's time to get up and go. I get glimpses of his older boy self at certain angles in surreal moments, when I remember that he won't always want our too-long hugs and eskimo kisses. I still get him dressed in the morning most days and marvel at that perfect spine, the one I saw on the ultrasound after only knowing him for mere 14 weeks. (Image: Jacob/Credit: Ericka Andersen/via Faithwire)

We'd gone in for a 3D ultrasound, not realizing it was too early to get a real glimpse of his face. I lay on the table, my stomach barely even popped, globs of cold jelly like slime sliding beneath the ultrasound wand as the tech began the process. It was one of those fancy 3D places, where you're propped up on a tall bed with too many pillows, a large screen at the front of the room like a movie is about to play.

Prior to the appointment, Rick and I had gone out to breakfast and had an endless Saturday stretched in front of us. That's when I got the idea to see if any 3D clinics were open—and I knew we could also find out the sex of our baby if we went.

The thought of the ultrasound and finding out our baby's gender ignited a spark of joy... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Continue reading and see the ultrasound pic, here.