Breaking Christian News

The Fatherlessness Epidemic: How Father's Day Reminds Us of the Importance of Dads

Devin Vanderpool-Commentary : Jun 14, 2019
Christian Headlines

We have seen right before our very eyes the difference it makes in a child's life to have a father in the home. It doesn't just prevent the social ills that seem to plague our culture today, but it provides hope for a brighter future—not only for those children but for entire communities.

[] We are all too aware of the disheartening statistics about fatherlessness here in the US According to the Census Bureau, more than 1 in 4 children live without a father in the home. The National Fatherhood Initiative has studied the impact of that absence and discovered that it's a primary factor in nearly all of the societal ills facing our nation. Children without fathers are: (Image: Pixabay)

• 4 times more likely to live in poverty

• 7 times more likely to become pregnant as a teen

• Twice as likely to drop out of high school

• More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol

• Twice as likely to suffer obesity

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