Breaking Christian News

Parents, Be Aware! This Anarchist Summer Camp for Turning Grade School Kids into Antifa Activists May Be Coming to a School Near You

Jeff Reynolds-Opinion : Jun 13, 2019
PJ Media

In any event, you can't tell me that we're not in a war for the soul of our culture. The Marxist revolutionaries are now reaching into our elementary schools to recruit ever younger comrades for the front lines.

airlift(Portland, OR) — [] I'm so old I can remember when disseminating communist propaganda in public schools was frowned upon. (Image: via PJ Media)

Last Friday afternoon, I was sitting at my computer when I received an email from Peachjar. This is a service used by several school districts near me in the Portland area that sends home digital fliers to parents in lieu of paper fliers to advertise extracurricular activities sponsored by various groups in the community. My son's middle school uses this service, and I receive a few emails a month from them. I've used the service myself to send advertisements for recruiting events for Scouts, and I've received other fliers such as music lessons, sports teams, and the like.

This one, however, was quite different.

There's so much wrong here [see above image] it's hard to know where to start.

The first thing that struck me, before anything else, was the mask-clad, fist-raising elementary school kids in the illustration. Teaching incoming 4th-8th-graders how to riot, become members of Antifa, and join a communist revolution seems a bit much—even for Portland, Oregon. Notice the star on the mask and the raised fist. Classic imagery from the USSR, China, and other violent Marxist revolutions in the 20th century... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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