Breaking Christian News

Student Loan Forgiveness: Morally Reprehensible and Legally Invalid

Warren Beatty-Opinion : Apr 22, 2024
American Thinker

...With loan forgiveness and free college, nobody is held responsible for the growing costs of higher education. Colleges have no incentive to compete or economize.

[] Barack Obama set the stage in 2015 for the student loan forgiveness fiasco when he announced the 'America's College Promise' proposal to make two years of community college free. On the proposal's web page is this: "Students should be able to get the knowledge and the skills they need without taking on decades worth of student debt." (Image via Newsmax)

Obama's idea has now been extended to include four-year colleges. His lackey, that joke who currently occupies the Bully Pulpit, is simply forwarding his boss' idea. The problem for Biden is that Obama's idea is neither legal nor morally acceptable.

An article in The Conversation makes a good moral case for not canceling student loans: "Canceling debt also seems to violate the moral principle of following through on one's promises. Borrowers have a moral duty to fulfill their loan agreements," ...

Robert Farrington provides five excellent reasons why student loans should not be forgiven... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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