Breaking Christian News

What the Current Fascination with Netflix' 'The Family' Series Says about How the World, and Mainstream Media View 'Power' ... and True Believers in Jesus

Aimee Herd-Opinion : Aug 16, 2019
Breaking Christian News

Bottom line: Believers in Jesus are admonished to PRAY for everyone, and specific instructions were given to PRAY for government leaders and those in authority. No conspiracy here folks, just the POWER OF PRAYER in the context of a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

This week I was asked by one of our readers what my thoughts were regarding the new series on Netflix, "The Family," which has been creating quite a conspiracy-laden stir among media and watchers alike. (Image: via Netflix)

I've only watched trailers for the show—mostly because I deleted my Netflix account back in June when the corporation came out against Georgia's pro-life 'Heartbeat Bill,' saying they would fund ACLU efforts to repeal it.

However, the mainstream media coverage of the series has made a few things very clear to me.

  1. Those who do not have a real relationship with the Lord Jesus do not understand those who do.

According to reports, the Netflix series descriptions highlight the words 'power' and 'influence' imagining a theocratic mob that 'has its tentacles' in governments all over the world.

The Daily Beast puts it this way: "...Netflix's unnerving new five-part documentary series, the most powerful club in America is a consortium of religious true believers bound by their fanatical love of Jesus. It has no official membership and requires no dues. It works overtime to avoid publicity ... And it seeks the eradication of the separation of church and state in its quest for its most coveted asset: power."

There is so much in this opening statement to unpack, and the very tone seems to reveal that the writer truly doesn't grasp the nature of a true Believer in Jesus Christ.

While his statement is meant to imply something nefarious; actually true Christian Believers ARE bound by their 'fanatical' (as the world sees it) love for Jesus! That IS our only official membership—a membership of the heart, if you will, not requiring money. And yes, I'd say a true Believer doesn't want the limelight, but rather to put Jesus in the spotlight, and give the Lord the publicity. (Isaiah 26:8b)

As for the 'separation of Church and state' comment: Christians aren't seeking a repeal of the First Amendment, because it's not about keeping God out of government, but making sure that government doesn't force one particular religion on the people. Why would someone want to repeal a guarantor of freedom? Those who claim this obviously don't really understand what the First Amendment really means.

  1. 'Power and influence' is a completely different concept in regard to God and His Believers; as opposed to how the world defines it.

Take, for example, Jesus' own Disciples when He walked the earth over 2,000 years-ago. Before He died and rose again, sending the Holy Spirit to give them understanding, they thought He was going to somehow bring God's Kingdom and overthrow the Roman Empire at that time. Once He was risen, and they believed, they began to put the prophetic pieces together, and everything Jesus had been telling them began to make sense. And then at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit illuminated their hearts with God's Truth, they realized the immense scope of God's plan of salvation, and that it wasn't at all about the world's 'power' but God's unlimited and amazing power to change hearts.

Sure there are many examples of how God has placed His true Believers in places of influence—which has often changed the course of what could have been disastrous history. Names come to mind such as: Moses, Joseph, David, Solomon, Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, just to name a few from the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the Apostles; Peter and Paul, along with the others, greatly influenced the governments of the time—spreading Christianity far and wide, as Jesus had commissioned them in Matthew 28:18-20. Believers placed in spheres of influence by God has not stopped, but has continued into modern times as well.

The point is, the 'power' is God's, not man's. The influence comes when the Lord Himself places a true Believer in an important role, which He often does.

  1. The conspiracy theories about the National Prayer Breakfast reveal that the world—and mainstream media—do NOT understand prayer.

Bottom line: Believers in Jesus are admonished to PRAY for everyone, and specific instructions were given to PRAY for government leaders and those in authority. No conspiracy here folks, just the POWER OF PRAYER in the context of a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 says: "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Chilling, isn't it?!

Actually it's exciting: to partner with the Creator of the Universe in bringing people into His beautiful, amazing Kingdom of Heaven; helping people with their lives on earth, ultimately helping to make this world we live in a better place...

That's a conspiracy-of-love, and I'm glad to be a part of THAT 'Family.' Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here