Breaking Christian News

No, Netflix, the National Prayer Breakfast is NOT a Clandestine Vehicle for World Domination

Will Maule : Aug 16, 2019

As more people refuse to mindlessly consume this far-fetched documentary and instead endeavor to pick through the facts, they will start to see it for what it is—a ham-fisted attempt at smearing well-connected people of faith.

(Los Angeles, CA) — [] As Netflix documentaries go, "The Family" is just about as outlandish as they come. (Image: via Religion News)

The documentary lays claim the uncovering of a secretive religious organization, "The Family," that it alleges has been secretly pulling the strings of the United States government for the past 80 years. The only problem is, they've been there the whole time.

Citing covert meetings with the president and the commissioning of sleeper agents to far-flung lands, the documentary paints a wildly sensationalist picture of a Christian group (real name: "The Fellowship Foundation"), whose primary responsibility was to host a prayer breakfast.

Still, the hype keeps growing, with one local British outlet declaring that streamers of the docu-series have found themselves "too horrified to sleep."

Indeed, the reviews have been filed, and the clickbait headlines are beyond ridiculous. "Inside the sinister sect that has infected western democracy," declared The Guardian, while Rolling Stone insisted that the documentary exposes an "insidious American theocracy."

The trailer is equally scandalous, if not plainly unhinged.

"In my 20's, I stumbled my way in," spills the first alleged insider. "And what I found was a secretive Christian organization called the family, that had been hiding in plain sight for 80 years."

Another breathlessly warns that this is a group "with tentacles around the world"; a gaggle of power-hungry fundamentalists led by the "most powerful man you've never heard of"—a man by the name of Doug Coe, who passed away in 2017.

Coe was, by all accounts, a quiet man with a penchant for world peace. In 2001, he organized an historic meeting between two warring leaders, Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Congo's Joseph Kabila. This would be the first of a series of covert diplomacy moves that would eventually lead to the signing of a historic peace accord that likely saved thousands of lives.

Does that sound like a slick political operator who was hell-bent on world domination? The Netflix program's claims are farcical and absurd... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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