Breaking Christian News

Johnny Enlow: "A Word About the Catholic Church and All Churches!"

Johnny Enlow-The Elijah List : Aug 22, 2018
The Elijah List

FOUNDING EDITOR'S NOTE: It is with a sobering fear and trembling that I am releasing this word through Johnny Enlow.

Johnny is a trusted prophet and what he writes, I read carefully!

Normally, I look forward to releasing what he writes. Not today! It is no fun to publish a word about a great exposure of sin in the Church. Nevertheless, it is the right thing to do!

As you read this word, remember that God sees everything, knowing the thoughts and intentions of the heart. As you pray concerning this great uncovering of sin in the Church, remember to pray and repent for even your own sinful thoughts. Jesus said those who lust after another have already committed adultery in their hearts. So personal repentance is important as well.

Keep interceding for the Body of Christ.

God bless you!

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Johnny Enlow: "A Word About the Catholic Church and All Churches!"

(Santa Clarita, CA) [The Elijah List] In this protracted season of God's justice coming in like a flood we really need to be prepared as the Body of Christ for the cleanup that is now on us. There was big news last week in exposing the fact that the Catholic Church was admitting that 301 priests in the state of Pennsylvania had been involved in some kind of sexual misconduct/pedophilia over the last several decades. Their victims number in the thousands.


Overall the Catholic Church has paid out over 3 billion dollars in sexual misconduct settlements and that is an astonishing figure. There are now scores and scores of dioceses in bankruptcy because of this. However we the Protestant/Evangelicals had best not be in finger-pointing mode because we are presently being exposed and it is really going to be worse than most of us can imagine.

Presently, there are shock waves going out from the recent, expanded discoveries on the misbehavior of megachurch pastor, Bill Hybels. Earlier in the year he announced he would accelerate his retirement, while still essentially denying the allegations from several women in his church—including a former, well-respected teaching pastor—that he had been inappropriate with them. However, just about a week ago, both new lead pastors of Willow Creek Church as well as the whole board of elders resigned as Bill Hybels' own well-respected assistant for many years, came out telling of years of very inappropriate sexual behavior by Bill Hybels. The new lead pastors and board of elders apologized for not initially believing the first women (now numbering 10) as they just couldn't believe their world-respected pastor was involved in what he was involved in.

Bill Hybels is arguably the most influential pastor of the last 20 years, with many thousands of churches connected to him in key ways. The megachurch model and "seeker-sensitive" Christianity came through his ministry. (This post is mentioning him by name not to highlight judgment towards Bill Hybels, but as initial proof that what I have been saying regarding cleanup is now upon us in our back yard.)

Victims: It is Not Your Job to "Save Your Church"

What we must understand is that there is a rampant problem of sexual misconduct, including pedophilia, in the Body of Christ and the lid is coming off as part of this season of corruption-ridding. If you have been a victim of sexual, predatory behavior from church pastors or leaders, this is a time to be courageous and not continue to cover for those who need to be removed from their predatory positions. It is not your job to "save your church" or "save the Kingdom" or any other kind of false responsibility that has been put on you to not come forward. If whomever violated you has not clearly repented to you and amended his or her ways, you do, in fact, have a responsibility to protect the Body from this ongoing blight of devastating sin. We must stop the madness.

Megachurch models, a lack of women fully released in leadership, and "the show must go on" mentality are contributory factors to our present church mess. But it really is going to be exposed now as Papa is actively committed to His House being a safe place. He is pulling the sheets off of His under-shepherds and He is drawing a line in the sand at what He will allow His ministerial representatives to get away with. We have entered a zero tolerance era for pedophilia and a zero tolerance level for sexual, predatory behavior from pastors and ministers. You are going to be caught. I am prophetically declaring that. It is not just going to happen in government or in Hollywood. It is across the board on all 7 mountains and judgment begins in the House of God. Fall on the Rock before the rock falls on you.

The Church is Overdue for an "Upgrade"

Again, to all who have been abused and have been silent or not believed: I am so sorry and that has been a major injustice. Justice is here, not so much to punish the evildoer, but to show the grace of God to you the previously considered "expendable". The accompanying punishment/correction to the minister/predator is then correlated to how he/she repents. Yes you have to forgive the abuser but it does not mean you have to keep quiet about it. It does take courage to speak out but it is the right thing to do if there has not been proper repentance. The Holy Spirit will walk with you and make it turn out to your good.

All of this is going to make "church" a bit of a messy thing for the next season but we are due for an upgrade. We have way too many fingers pointed out THERE and not enough minding our own "logs" in the eyes. This may not sound like part of the next "Great Awakening" but it most certainly is. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here.

Johnny Enlow

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society—until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.