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Java's Upside: another Good Report on Drinking Coffee

Aimee Herd-Commentary : Nov 16, 2011
Jennifer LaRue Huget – Washington Post

T.G.F.C. = "Thank God for coffee!"

At the beginning of this year I decided to make the switch from a morning half-pot of coffee to just a cup or two of tea. Since I have never been a "morning person"?by ANY stretch of the imagination?from the time I started walking to now; coffee at the start of the day has been my friend for most of my adult years.

I accomplished the goal of leaving coffee behind "cold turkey"?for a few months. However, much as I love tea (especially in the afternoon) I soon returned to a java-based morning regimen mostly because tea just wasn't cancelling out my aversion to my schedule's demand to rise early.

Cuppa joeThat in mind, you can imagine my delight at discovering this article that highlights the benefits of having a regular "cuppa joe."

According to Alberto Ascherio, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, there is mostly good news regarding health pros and cons of coffee, although one should look at the whole picture and not just single studies, he says.

Ascherio notes that there is "strong evidence" of coffee's "protective effect against Type 2 Diabetes and Parkinson's Disease," with an ingredient besides caffeine that helps guard against the Diabetes, but what looks to be the caffeine itself that helps prevent Parkinson's.

The professor says that it's not the amount of coffee that is a factor, but the strength, as there are so many varying strengths of the beverage.

David Hensrud, of Minnesota's Mayo Clinic, adds that "there are hundreds, even thousands of components in coffee," many of them being antioxidants. "Among people who drink coffee, coffee is the main source of antioxidants."

According to Hensrud, "some of the potential benefits of drinking coffee include improved cognition and alertness, slight decrease in depression risk and potential reduction in risk of liver disease and even suicide risk."

Washington Post writer, Jennifer Huget cautions, however, that if you're idea of a cup of coffee is a venti Salted Caramel Mocha, (over 500 calories from Starbucks) the cons would outweigh the pros since you're consuming a large meal's worth of calories and fat in just one drink.

Fortunately, I'm a purist when it comes to Java?a strong cup with a splash of 2% milk is just fine for me, and I'm thankful God gave it to us!