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Gay Pride Meets Christian Humility - NJ Church Offers Cold Water to Attendees of Pro-Homosexual Event, Demonstrating God's Love with No Strings Attached

Aimee Herd : Jun 9, 2005

CharismaNow reports on "Liquid," a ministry of Millington Baptist Church in Basking Ridge, NJ, which recently became a practical demonstration of Jesus' command to "Love your neighbor," by handing out free bottles of cold water on a hot day at Jersey Pride's 14th annual Gay Pride Celebration in Asbury Park.

Ministry Associate pastor Tim Lucas told Liquid members before the event that they weren't going to try to convert people or argue with them, but just to be a servant. "These people have been marginalized and hurt, often by us. If they say, 'What are you doing here?' keep it simple. Just say, 'We're here to show you God's love.'"

Director of communications for Liquid, Chris Newkirk felt it was a step in the right direction. "For me this is a milestone, to be in that community and say, 'I'm a Bible-reading Christian,'" he said.

Reactions to the ministry group's actions were varied according to Lucas, "GLBT [gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered] folks were understandably skeptical towards our simple gift of free water on a boiling day -- I mean, is anything really, truly ever free in life? Were we there just to show kindness? Or would we secretly try to 'convert' folks the way many Christians do with the ol' religious 'bait-and-switch?'"

But the ministry did have an impact. At one point during the near 90 degree afternoon, festival organizers asked if they could borrow some water for the performers on stage since their supply of water had run out. Liquid volunteers were thankful for the opportunity and packed a handcart with 10 cases of ice cold water, bringing it backstage to a very grateful group of thirsty drag-queens.

Perhaps one of the greatest moments came when one of the artisans from a booth next to Liquid's, was deeply affected by the ministry. Below is the account from the Liquid website:

"Our booth was right next to a lesbian couple who were selling stained glass (designed for people's homes OR churches!) Bobby and Cathy were probably in their late 50s and had been together for over 25 years... Two of the most gentle and kindest people you'd ever meet. We talked with them constantly throughout the day- passing along water to them, learning about their craft, and they were enthusiastic about our mission to share the love of Jesus in a practical way.

An amazing moment came in the late afternoon when Bobby pulled me aside and whispered, "Tim, somebody just told me you were Baptist. Is that true?" She whispered Baptist as if it were a dirty word (which is too often is!)

I said, "Actually, Bobby, yes our church is Baptist." A forelorn look came over her wrinkled face, and she asked nervously, "Just tell me one thing: Are you here to tell us that if we don't change we're going to hell?"

"No, not at all. I replied. In fact, we're here because God is changing US--- as Christians, many of us have been pretty judgmental and condemning and even hostile at times to the gay community, and Jesus is changing our hearts. We've got a long way to go in making amends, and so we just thought we'd serve today to try and humbly reconcile..."

My words were cut-off as I was wrapped up in the arms of this 55-year old lesbian as she cried "Thank you, thank you, thank you," with tears in her eyes.

"Finally, a group of religious people who are treating us like real Christians are supposed to."

I doubt any of us would be foolish enough to deem ourselves "real Christians" (whatever that means)... all the same, it was one of the most encouraging words we've ever received from folks."