Breaking Christian News

"Miracle at Sea" Trio Said Lots of Prayers Waiting to be Rescued

Teresa Neumann : Oct 19, 2009
Suzan Clarke & Rich McHugh - ABC News/Good Morning America

"I was thinking of open wounds in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. And sharks...We just tried to stay calm. Lots of prayer. The Lord's Prayer was said many times."

Survivors(Florida Keys, Florida)—Doctor Peeter Jakobson, his stepdaughter Whitney Page, and her husband, Ben Page, miraculously survived 12 hours in the Caribbean Sea the night their small plane crashed off the Florida Keys.

As they shared on ABC's Good Morning America, they were out of the plane and onto the wing of the aircraft within seconds after the impact.

"It was black; total darkness," said Whitney Page who had suffered a head wound on impact and was bleeding in the water.

Her husband said they knew they were the proverbial "needle in the haystack" for rescuers looking for them, and called their rescue nothing short of a miracle. "I was thinking of open wounds in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. And sharks. It was on all of our minds," he said. "We just tried to stay calm. Lots of prayer. The Lord's Prayer was said many times."