Breaking Christian News

Report on International Prayer Gathering in Times Square—2007

Carla Oord/AH : Jul 17, 2007

"We had worship and praises in song and dance to the Lord. We even had a rapper who sang songs that young and old enjoyed. Everybody was blessed and enjoyed themselves. People from all walks of life crowded the sidewalk and stopped to worship with us."

(New York City, NY)—On July 8th the streets of Times Square, New York City, were filled—not with taxi cabs and buses—but with people of many different backgrounds all gathered for one purpose: to call out to the Lord God in prayer and worship.

The event was the 7th Annual Times Square Prayer Rally, organized by New Greater Bethel Ministries, located in Jamaica Queens, New York.

"We believe that July 7, 2007 has the prophetic meaning of completion because of the numbers 7.7.07, but July 8, 2007 means the day of new beginnings," explained Carla Oord, with New Greater Bethel Ministries. (Carla's sister, Helene Oord, is a liaison for a special prayer group at the United Nations, known as the Christian Culture Society.)

"This prayer rally announces a new beginning because it was different from former years," Carla added. "People of many nations were represented and participated in this celebration. This rally was for everyone no matter what denomination you are; we are all God's children."

Ms. Oord went on to describe the extraordinary prayer rally in Times Square....

This rally was the first year that the United Nations Christian Culture Society has participated. Prayers were said in Hebrew, Korean, English, Dutch, Surinamese, French, Nigerian and Papiamento. Beside this group we also heard prayers in Hindi, Spanish and Ukrainian. It was a wonderful mixture of nations as it will be in Heaven.

Pastors as well as Missionaries were present. The missionaries [reported] on what is going on with our brothers and sisters in other countries. We are not to forget them, we also prayed for them.

[The] prayer emphasis was for strength and wisdom for our government, restoration of families, physical and spiritual healing for all people, freedom from illegal drug abuse, stop terrorism. We prayed for our youth, it is their time now and we have to pray that they do not forget who keeps them standing in this world. We prayed to God to open doors for His children to go, and possess that which He has originally already given to us.

We had worship and praises in song and dance to the Lord. We even had a rapper who sang songs that young and old enjoyed. Everybody was blessed and enjoyed themselves. People from all walks of life crowded the sidewalk and stopped to worship with us.

When the altar call was made many people gave their lives to Jesus. We came to pray the devil out of New York City! We are children of the Living God.

This Times Square Rally started with one man who heard and answered the call from God about 35 years ago. God told him to put up a tent in Queens, New York and minister to God's people. This man is Pastor John H. Boyd, Sr. After 9-11, God told him to pray for the country and the city—[especially] in the heart of the city of New York. Pastor Boyd has a burden to bring souls to the Kingdom of God. This day was a true blessing, and I am looking forward to many more celebrations.

To find out more about New Greater Bethel Ministries, follow the link below.