Breaking Christian News

Resolution of Apology to Native Americans Introduced into Both Chambers of Congress

News Staff/AH : Mar 26, 2007

The Resolution of Apology is meant "to acknowledge a long history of official depredations and ill-conceived policies by the U. S. Government regarding Indian tribes and offer an apology to all Native Peoples on behalf of the United States."

As several states in the U.S. are considering issuing official apologies for their part in the slave trade, no less important is the Resolution of Apology to Native Americans that has been introduced now into both chambers of the 110th Congress.

According to a press release by, the measure—introduced in the U.S. House in January by Rep. Jo Ann Davis, and in the Senate on March 1st by Sen. Sam Brownback—has now been referred to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. urges the public to continue to pray for prompt hearings and a swift passage out of the committees and into the 110th Congress.

The Resolution of Apology is meant "to acknowledge a long history of official depredations and ill-conceived policies by the U. S. Government regarding Indian tribes and offer an apology to all Native Peoples on behalf of the United States." It mandates no monetary reparations but is simply a "first step" toward reconciliation, healing and restoration of honor toward the indigenous Native American Peoples.

To watch an important and informative video on the Resolution, CLICK HERE.

The full text of the Resolution, S.J. Res 4 and H.J. Res. 3, dear colleague letters by Sen. Brownback and Rep. Davis, and links for contacting your Members of Congress are available at Concerned citizens are invited to visit soon, and send an email off to their Senators and Representatives. It is important to use respectful, non-critical language.

For more information, click below.