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Bill Maher Defends Parents Amid Critical Race Theory Furor, Addresses Critics: 'My Politics Have Not Changed'

Billy Hallowell : Nov 24, 2021

"Somehow, liberals got afraid to acknowledge progress. You can't come up with good solutions unless you're realistic about what the problem is." — Bill Maher

[] Comedian Bill Maher has long been a liberal icon, but some of his recent statements have raised eyebrows among progressives, while simultaneously drawing rare cheers from some on the political right.(Photo Credit: CNN/Twitter)

Critics might question whether Maher has had a political change of heart, but he pushed back on that allegation during a Wednesday interview on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time."

"My politics have not changed," Maher told host Chris Cuomo. "I am an old-school liberal."

Maher said there are some in his camp who don't like what's happening on the "far left" and pointed to a number of strange moves he sees unfolding within certain facets of the Democratic Party.

"When you're doing something that sounds like a headline in The Onion, that's when you've gone too far," he added.

As for critical race theory — an issue invigorating parents to get involved in school affairs across the US — Maher also seemed to come to the defense of concerned parents...

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