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Franklin Graham Joins Today's March for Life: "Something I've Never Done Before"

News Staff : Jan 24, 2020

"I'm going to blend into the crowd and march with my daughter Cissie Graham Lynch. This is a huge, important issue. Why don't you come join me? I would encourage anyone and everyone who cares about abortion to come, to walk, and to pray. Let's let the courts, Congress, the media, and the world know what we believe and how important the lives of these children are. Every life matters to God and should matter to us." — Franklin Graham

(Washington, DC) — [] Wednesday marked the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion across the United States.

Franklin Graham has frequently spoken against abortion, calling every life—born or unborn—worth fighting for. Today, he's taking it a step further.

"I'm going to do something on Friday that I've never done before—I'm going to march," he shared on Facebook Wednesday morning. "I'm going to DC to walk in the March for Life."

Each year, the March for Life draws tens of thousands around the country to fight for the value and inherent dignity of all human life, right in the heart of Washington, DC. It's a two-mile walk from the Washington Monument to the Supreme Court.

"I'm going to blend into the crowd and march with my daughter Cissie Graham Lynch," Graham said on Facebook. "This is a huge, important issue. Why don't you come join me? I would encourage anyone and everyone who cares about abortion to come, to walk, and to pray. Let's let the courts, Congress, the media, and the world know what we believe and how important the lives of these children are. Every life matters to God and should matter to us."

Lynch released a podcast episode on the topic of abortion this week that touches on a past pregnancy struggle and what got her through a period of depression. She also offers three Biblical reasons to advocate for life.

"God doesn't just know us before we were born, He has a purpose for each of us before we were even conceived," she shared.

Franklin Graham holds evangelistic events around the world and often takes a moment to speak specifically about abortion—not only that it's a tragedy against life God created, but that there's forgiveness for those who have had abortions. With so many children being aborted each year, Graham knows it's likely that some in the crowd have probably been down that road.

At the annual March for Life, pro-life signs are everywhere, [as are] signs in support of adoption—an abortion alternative often backed by Christian groups. That's one area where Graham has some personal experience.