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Censored on Social Media for Your Christian or Conservative Views? White House Launches Tool to Report, Fight It

Dale Hurd : May 21, 2019
CBN News

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airlift(Washington, DC) — [CBN News] Many conservatives rightfully feel like second class citizens on social media, where now simply posting conservative ideas can get you in trouble. (Screengrab image: via 700 Club/CBN News)

Facebook suspended conservative Candace Owens last week after she posted that liberal policies were harmful to the black family. Facing an outcry, Facebook claimed the suspension was a mistake.

Twitter suspended Heritage Foundation Media Director Greg Scott for so-called 'hateful conduct' after simply tweeting to a transgender athlete about the physical differences between men and women.

Conservative actor James Woods—with two million Twitter followers—left the platform altogether after Twitter suspended him for a tweet quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson...

"We just have to say, 'This is wrong,'" says author and radio host Eric Metaxas, "This is fundamentally un-American and it must be addressed. It will undermine our voting process, it will undermine self-government, it's already doing that. "

He added, "When you control information you control everything."

A new study published by the left-wing Columbia Journalism Review confirmed that search giant Google skews heavily liberal in its search results. Only one conservative news source popped up in Google's top 20—Fox News. Dan Gainor of the media research center says no one should be surprised. After all, Google is liberal.

"They set up rules that are liberal," Gainor says, "They hire staff who are liberal. The staff give politically to liberal candidates and then when you appeal it you have to talk to the liberal staff. We're boxed in on all sides."

A Project Veritas undercover investigation found the same anti-conservative attitudes at Twitter, where one employee was recorded saying, "I'm pretty sure every single employee at Twitter hates Trump."

And when companies like Facebook start deciding who is allowed to have free speech, first amendment lawyer Alex Abdo at the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University says we should all be concerned.

"Over the last few years we've certainly seen indications that Facebook gets content moderation wrong all the time," Abdo says. "They take down speech that most reasonable people think shouldn't be taken down and they leave up other speech that a lot of people think should be taken down."

President Trump has taken notice, setting up an online tool for reporting censorship on social media.

The White House has also refused to sign on to a new global compact to monitor online speech, in what some call a worldwide attempt to censor conservatives. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here