Breaking Christian News

Wisconsin Governor Says He Will Veto Bill Banning Infanticide

Michael Foust : Apr 24, 2019

Senate President Roger Roth said Governor Evers' veto threat means "he has gone farther to the extreme than I imagined. My bill simply removes any ambiguity that a health care provider must care for the life and health of a baby. How could anyone be against that?"

(Madison, WI) — [] Wisconsin's Democratic governor says he will veto a bill that would require medical care for babies who survive failed abortions. (Image: Gov. Tony Evers/Flickr/Wikipedia)

The bill, AB 179, already passed the Republican-controlled Assembly and House. It would require abortion doctors to "exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health" of a baby who survives an abortion as would be given to "any other child born alive at the same gestational age," according to the bill's text. It also would require the baby to be "transported and admitted to a hospital." The bill's supporters say it simply would ban infanticide... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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