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Check Out This Brilliant Pro-Life YouTube Video Mocking the Absurdity of Down Syndrome Abortions

Carly Hoilman : Mar 21, 2019

"We like to use humor to show how ridiculous most of the ‘pro-abortion' arguments are. Our videos are designed to be eye-catching, short and witty in hopes that people will watch and share!" -Laura Klassen

(Canada)—[] Truth is at the heart of humor, and Canadian pro-life activist Laura Klassen has made a name for herself by successfully communicating the unsavory truths about abortion through her witty YouTube videos. You know Klassen from the viral "Magical Birth Canal" video, in which she explains the mysterious and "scientific" process through which a fetus "magically" becomes a baby with human rights. Her masterful logic and funny-because-it's-true sarcasm have allowed Klassen to cover an issue that's as sensitive and not-funny as it gets. (Image source: Choice42 via YouTube/via Faithwire)

On Wednesday, Klassen's nonprofit, Choice42, released a new video that shatters the pro-choice argument for aborting unborn children with Down syndrome. She calls attention to the growing effort to "eradicate" Down syndrome by screening unborn children for the disease and killing them in the womb.

In the latest video, Klassen, wearing her signature pink wig, explains to a girl wearing a blue wig that she "loves" people with blue hair, but only "after they're born."

"No offense," Klassen says. "I totally respect and value you as a human being ... now. But before you were born it was a completely different story—just saying."

Though the words "Down syndrome" are never spoken during the sketch, the actress in the blue wig has Down syndrome, and the logic of Klassen's argument sticks to the pro-choice script... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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