Breaking Christian News

For Such a Time as This

Paid Advertisement : Mar 20, 2019

Dear Praying Friends,

I love the story of Esther.

A godly young woman catapulted from obscurity and poverty to the palace seemingly overnight. She enjoyed the favor of the king and had everything she could want.

Until she was jolted from her comfort and awakened to her purpose through her Uncle Mordecai's words:

"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14

Esther, heeded the call, responded, and the courage of this young girl saved a nation from destruction. Wow!

Today is the celebration of that deliverance known as Purim. Throughout Israel, the streets are filled with celebration as the Jewish people remember what God did for them through one woman's obedience.

Yet, even today not everyone is celebrating. Many are struggling under the crushing weight of poverty.

I have seen it first-hand, elderly Holocaust survivors, young families, new immigrants all suffering, barely making ends meet. The news is reporting 1 in 3 children in Israel suffer from hunger.

This should not be; we must do something.

And we can! Like Esther "for such a time as this" God has positioned you and me at this moment, and our response can be a part of God's deliverance for those struggling families in Israel.

We can help save a nation.

Today our Abraham's Bread feeding centers are serving hundreds of meals to those in desperate need. Filling hungry stomachs and reviving dignity and hope in those who feel forgotten.

Will you join us in helping to save the people of Israel from hunger?

If your heart is moved to help those in need in Israel please visit and give a gift to provide a hot meal for someone this Purim.

May we like Esther fulfill God's purpose in each of our lives!


Stephen Jenks
Director of Operations
Eagles' Wings

Abraham's Bread is a ministry of Eagles' Wings a global movement advancing three
strategic mandates: honoring God's covenant to Israel, renewing spiritual community,
and building bridges of friendship across cultural divides.
Learn more at

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