Breaking Christian News

"Repulsive and Unconstitutional": New California Bill Would Require All Student ID's to Contain Abortion Provider Information

Michael Foust : Mar 13, 2019

"This outrageous California bill proposed by Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel is an attack on the First Amendment by forcing every California student to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood. Requiring students to promote the phone number of the largest abortion mill in the nation is repulsive and unconstitutional. When will the California legislators learn they cannot force people to be a mouthpiece for Planned Parenthood?" -Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel

airlift(Sacramento, CA)— [] A California state assemblyman has proposed a bill that would force every public or private school to place the phone number of a Planned Parenthood or similar clinic on student identifications. (Image: Pixabay)

The bill, AB 624, would take effect July 1, 2020, and require that schools place on every ID for grades 7-12 a sexual assault hotline, a domestic violence hotline, and a "sexual or reproductive health" hotline... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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