Breaking Christian News

Formerly Gay Christian Leader: People Say, "I'm Born This Way" But Jesus Says "You Must be Born Again"

Judy Clair : Nov 27, 2018
Faith, Family, America

"Our sexual orientation is not who we are, it's how we are. And who we are is created in God's image but that image has been distorted, from Genesis 3, by sin. And even though people might say, 'Well, I'm born this way, I'm born that way,' well, Jesus was so clear in His own words. In John 3 He says: 'You must be born again.'"

(Chicago, IL)— [] It has become the mantra of our culture: "Love is love." But is that really true? Formerly gay, now Bible teacher and author, Christopher Yuan says that is not accurate. (Photo: Christopher Yuan speaks at an event, 2018/ WaterBrook & Multnomah /via Christian Post)

In his latest book, "Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story," Yuan shares what he has learned as he has changed from being a homosexual to becoming a Christian. In his early 20's, he came out to his then non-Christian parents, and they rejected him... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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