Breaking Christian News

The Sickening Extent to Which Abortion-Supporting Fanatics Will Go to Scare Pro-Lifers into Silence

Jonathon Van Maren-Opinion : Nov 19, 2018

Jennifer flashbacked to her own trauma, threw up, and couldn't catch her breath—just as the sender of the video intended. Someone furious that Jennifer was defending her son's right to exist and condemning abortion as the killing of pre-born children wanted to make her suffer for her stand in the most repulsive way they could think of...

[] Eight months ago, the pro-life organization Live Action uploaded a three-minute video clip of a young woman giving an extraordinarily powerful testimony about being raped and becoming pregnant. Jennifer Christie explained to the Iowa legislature that she'd been brutally raped while on a business trip, her bruised body flung into a stairwell after the attack. (Photo by Eric Ward-Unsplash)

Despite the horrors she'd endured, she was not speaking for crime victims, she said. Rather, she was speaking for the 32,000 women who become pregnant after rape—and the 75% of those women "who give our children life."

Christie was representing Save the One, an organization that represents people who were conceived in rape, as well as mothers—like herself—who have children conceived through sexual assault. Her son, Christie stated tearfully, is "a reminder that love is stronger than hate." Further, she said, "Do not use me, and my rape, and my a banner to hide behind and excuse the genocide of the innocent."

The moment was powerful, and the video went viral, racking up 1.4 million views to date. Jennifer expected to receive backlash for taking a stand. All pro-life activists do. What she did not expect was the sheer viciousness and hatred unleashed on her by some on the pro-abortion side.

After the video went viral, someone sent her a video of a woman being raped. It was sent to her personal Facebook account, through a friend's account that had been hacked. The police helpfully told her it was "probably rape porn," but it sounded real—especially the woman's screaming. Considering what passes for pornography these days, it very well could have been.

Jennifer flashbacked to her own trauma, threw up, and couldn't catch her breath—just as the sender of the video intended.

Someone furious that Jennifer was defending her son's right to exist and condemning abortion as the killing of pre-born children wanted to make her suffer for her stand in the most repulsive way they could think of. In response to this, Facebook did nothing.

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