Breaking Christian News

Breaking! John McCain's Replacement in Senate Named

Serena Carter : Sep 4, 2018
Faith, Family, America

Governor Ducey's pick would serve in the open seat until 2020, at which point a special election will be held to determine who will be in the seat for the remainder of McCain's term through 2022.

(Washington, DC)— [] Initially, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey revealed that he would not be talking about his successor pick until after Sen. McCain was laid to rest. According to state law, the governor has the responsibility of appointing someone to the open Senate seat following a death. (Photo: Jon Kyl/via Fox News)

Now, according to Fox News, Cindy McCain has revealed that former Republican Sen. Jon Kyl will be returning to Capitol Hill to take over McCain's seat. Cindy took to social media to make the announcement... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here.

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