Breaking Christian News

California Celebrates Muslim Appreciation Month: No Similar Christian or Jewish Celebrations Planned

Donna Russell : Aug 21, 2018
CBN News

Carol Brown with 'American Thinker' says it's a perfect example of political correctness as "madness rules the day" in California.

(Sacramento, CA)—[CBN News] California is currently celebrating Muslim Appreciation Month, thanks to some very Islam-friendly lawmakers. (Photo: via CBN News)

"My friends and neighbors continue to experience harassment on a daily basis for no other reason than being Muslim. This resolution is an opportunity to look beyond the hate, the negative headlines and the hurtful rhetoric," said California Assembly member Dr. Bill Quirk.

He is one of three sponsors of the measure that recognized August 2018 as Muslim American Appreciation and Awareness Month. Assembly members Kansen Chu and Ash Kalra joined him in promoting the bill.

Muslim-American Aziz Akbari joined them on the Assembly floor to celebrate the passage of the bill. He is the youngest Muslim American to be elected into public office in the country.

"For the Muslim American community to thrive, we rely not only on having representation in each body of government, but also on having strong allies who will voice our concerns and be there to support us. Assembly member Quirk has been one of the strongest allies of our community, and I tremendously appreciate the work that he has done," said Akbari, according to Quirk's website.

"It is because of our community's support that young Muslims, like me feel comfortable and resilient enough to run for elected office—especially given the incendiary rhetoric we hear about our community on the national level," he said.

But Carol Brown with American Thinker says it's not that simple. She says Californians are going out of their way "even more than normal—to kowtow to Islam as they celebrate a contrived notion about Muslim contributions to our society."

This is the third year California has decided Muslims are deserving of special honor by the government. Brown writes it's a perfect example of political correctness as "madness rules the day" in California.

"So it should come as no surprise that California would lead the (wrong) way when Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR joined forces with dhimmi state assemblyman Bill Quirk to propose a resolution (which passed unanimously) to designate August as Muslim Appreciation Month," Brown wrote.

She points out there aren't other months reserved for honoring other religions like "Hindu Appreciation Month" or "Jewish Appreciation Month." She wrote that she doesn't want to "start with this nonsense, but I'm just making the point that this is dhimmitude, pure and simple."

Brown goes on to list and link "some Muslims' contributions to the quality of life in California just this year alone." She offered a list of 50 instances of crimes by Muslims, with many of them being acts related to ISIS terrorists and acts of terrorism. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here.