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SCOTUS needs your name to reverse Roe v. Wade

Paid Advertisement : Jun 25, 2018

Dear Pro-Life Friend,

Do you believe the lives of little boys and girls are precious?

Do you believe abortion-on-demand should be abolished?

If it meant a shot at ending Roe v. Wade, would you be willing to have your name read before the U.S. Supreme Court as part of an Amicus Curiae brief of pro-lifers nationwide?

If so, please click here to sign your Moral Outcry petition to join tens of thousands of pro-lifers from all over the country who have stepped up to do exactly that.

And if you’ve already signed, please forward this email to as many pro-life friends and family as you can!

Here's why this is so critical...

Before his passing, the late Justice Antonin Scalia explained why the U.S. Supreme Court had not yet acted to end Roe v. Wade stating, “I am against abortion. I want to end it! But where is the moral outcry?”

Justice Scalia-certainly more than other justices-knew of the continual struggles pro-lifers like you and I put in to save every life possible. But other federal judges-holed up in their sterile courtrooms-gauge the pulse of the American people only through the eyes the elites they socialize with and from pro-abortion newsrooms.

It’s this bubble you and I must break through. We must show them the American people are rising up, not just against these attacks on pro-lifers, but on legalized abortion itself.

And your signature on this Moral Outcry petition will help us do exactly that - if we can gather enough signatures.

We have partnered with our friends at the Justice Foundation to get this petition to every pro-lifer across the nation.

Having your name read before the U.S. Supreme Court will show your Moral Outcry against abortion.

Don’t be fooled. The Supreme Court’s ”take” on the direction of American culture can make an enormous impact on the decisions they issue.

Just consider their actions on homosexual marriage over the past decade. Or consider Justice Roberts’ inexplicable last-second decision to save ObamaCare’s individual mandate. Or the Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision itself!

These decisions have no real foundation in the U.S. Constitution. More often than not, decisions like these are the work of justices attempting to appease the American public they see only through the eyes of the media.

Now, at any moment, the Supreme Court will issue a decision on the most critical pro-life case of this term - NIFLA v. Becerra.

Under current California law, the wonderful men and women who serve at Pregnancy Help Centers are effectively forced to serve as referral agents for abortionists. These pro-life (and often Christian) counselors are mandated by law to provide the pregnant women they serve with information on “free” and “low-cost” abortions!

Needless to say, this is nothing short of an outrage.

And if the U.S. Supreme Court refuses to halt this assault on the First Amendment’s Freedom of Speech protections, other states will soon rush to join them in this first step toward an outright ban on Pregnancy Help Center activities.

With this decision looming - and Washington, DC already turning into a madhouse with the possibility of pro-abortion Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement, leaving the court deadlocked 4-4 on Roe v. Wade - your action has never been more critical.

The Supreme Court needs to hear from you and millions of Americans from all over the country just like you that you stand strongly against abortion-on-demand.

The only other option is to allow our national media to speak for us.

Do you trust the media? Do you believe they give pro-lifers a fair shake?

I don’t.

If you don’t either, this is your chance to show where you stand.

But with only weeks until the Supreme Court begins issuing its decisions, we need to act quickly.

So please click here to sign your Moral Outcry petition.  Your support can make all the difference.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life


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