Breaking Christian News

Day after day Jesus' family walk in…

Paid Advertisement : Jun 18, 2018

Dear Friends,

It is a simple Scripture, that we have all read many times, but have we been reading it wrong?

"Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?' ...And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'" (Matthew 25:37,40)

We have probably all heard this portion used as an admonition to care for those in need and support a local soup kitchen or food pantry as a way to show Christian love.

That is good and right, but it is not the entirety of what this Scripture means.

The word "brethren" literally means "having the same national ancestry."

In other words, Jesus is saying, "inasmuch as you have done this to the least of these (my people – the Jewish people.)"

The implication is astounding. When we clothe, feed and care for the people of Israel we are ministering to our Savior.

Reading this Scripture in this light confirms again in my heart the vital importance of the Abraham's Bread Feeding Centers that Eagles' Wings helps to run in Jerusalem and Tiberias.

Day after day Jesus' family come through those doors, sit down, and are served a nutritious, hot meal with dignity and love.

Families, elderly holocaust survivors, new immigrants, anyone is welcome at the table and leaves fed physically and encouraged in their heart that the God of Israel does care for them.

Jesus said "the righteous" will ask, "When did we see you hungry?"

You and I have an opportunity to be those who see and respond to the need of the people of Israel.

Your gift today can be the answer to a person in need in Israel.

A gift of $24 can feed a family of five for the day.

A gift of $126 will provide a food package for a month for a shut-in.

Every gift will help.

Join me and Eagles' Wings in caring for Jesus' family in Israel today and ministering to our Messiah King at the same time!


P.S. You can bless Jesus' family today with your gift to feed the needy in Israel!

Abraham's Bread is a ministry of Eagles' Wings, a global movement advancing three strategic mandates: honoring God's covenant to Israel, renewing spiritual community, and building bridges of friendship across cultural divides.
Learn more at


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