Breaking Christian News

Be part of history - Rally around Jerusalem

Paid Advertisement : May 21, 2018

As Israel prepares to celebrate her 70th anniversary May 14th, all eyes are on Jerusalem. President Trump’s bold decision for the U.S. to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital answered the prayers of Israelis and friends of Israel everywhere. But it triggered a firestorm of hatred and violence among Israel’s enemies.

Join the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and “Rally Around Jerusalem” today by sending your message of support affirming President Trump and Vice President Pence’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital!

Your response will demonstrate that committed supporters like you are doing your part and acting in faith to strengthen Israel in significant ways that truly matter.

The Jewish state is torn by conflict and under fire from enemies on all sides – take a stand in solidarity against those who strive to tear the Holy City from the hearts and hands of the Jewish people!

This is your chance to take a bold stand for Israel through your declaration of support at this extraordinary time in history – as Israel celebrates her 70th anniversary, as well as the move of the U.S. embassy to her true capital. Join The Fellowship in making known our love and support for “the city of our God” – Jerusalem.

Let your voice be heard and declare your support now.

**Note: You will not be ordering this item from Breaking Christian News. Your order will be processed on the IFCJ site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.

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