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Destiny Image Founder, Don Nori Dies at 66

Jessilyn Justice : Apr 17, 2018
Charisma News

"Another son, made it Home last night...DON NORI SR. #manofGod He no longer knows in part. He now knows fullness of joy. I am praying for the other half of his soul Cathy, his family & world of friends. God has one thing better than healing, Heaven! GOD IS WITH YOU NOW!" -Cleddie Keith

airlift[] Destiny Image Publishers founder Don Nori died Tuesday, April 17, at age 66. (Photo: Don Nori/Destiny Image/ Facebook/via Charisma News)

"Through his own writings, and through publishing the writings of thousands more, Don leaves behind a legacy of leading Believers the world over into a deeper relationship with Christ," according to the Destiny Image Facebook page.

The publishing house reported Nori was on his way to dinner on Sunday when he felt severe chest pains. He underwent major heart surgery.

"However, his heart is weak, kidneys are weak, and lungs are weak. They have him completely paralyzed and unconscious with a breathing machine keeping him alive. He is receiving dialysis and remains in critical condition," the company posted Monday.

Destiny Image published multiple Spirit-filled authors, including James Goll, Bill Johnson, T.D. Jakes, Cindy Trimm, Myles Munroe, Sid Roth and more.

Nori founded Destiny Image in 1982 after a God-given vision:

Sitting in his car, Don felt that the heavens were opened to him. A magnificent, unearthly praise filled his mind. The choirs of Heaven sang glory to the Lord Most High. In his mind's eye Don could see that the heavens were alive with the joy of the Lord with an anticipation and an eagerness of fellowship that spilled into the car and into Don. Then God began to speak:

"I have much to say to this generation, but nobody cares. Nobody seems to know that I have much to say." His voice filled with a great, unspeakable pain, the Lord continued, "No one cares about My heart. No one cares about My heart."

As the Lord spoke, a vision was revealed to Don. He was in a great room that buzzed with a tremendous flurry of activity. Although Don had never been to a trade show, he knew instinctively that he was now seeing a Christian trade show. Buyers scurried over the floor. Sellers hawked their wares loudly. Everyone was too busy to notice Don and the Lord walking among them.

"Look at them," the Lord began sadly. "They are all so busy. They all think they are doing My work, building My Kingdom, but none of them care about My heart. But none care about My purposes. No one cares to know what I am doing in the land." The Lord paused as he allowed His words to sink into Don's heart, then continued. "They are building their own kingdoms, securing their own place in the market. None care about My heart."

With tears running down his cheeks, Don looked up to the Lord and cried, "I care about Your heart! I care about what You have to say! You know that I treasure Your words! You know that I melt at the sound of Your voice!"...

He is survived by his wife, Cathy, their 5 sons and 7 grandchildren.