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State of the Union, Immigration, Iran: President Trump's Big Week Ahead

Jenna Browder : Jan 29, 2018
CBN News

Trump's immigration reform plan is drawing support and criticism from both sides of the aisle, but with some Democrats willing to negotiate, talks of a deal may soon begin.

(Washington, DC)—[CBN News] It's a critical week for President Donald Trump as he prepares for Tuesday's highly anticipated State of the Union address. (Photo: via

His week kicks off with the United Nations and shoring up international support against Iran.

On Monday, Trump will meet with U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and U.N. Security Council diplomats at the White House.

Haley arranged the visit to highlight Iran's role in conflicts around the Middle East. The visit is also expected to include an inspection of debris from a ballistic missile fired from Yemen into Saudi Arabia and a tour of the Holocaust Museum.

Meanwhile, Trump's first State of the Union address is slated for Tuesday night when he's expected to talk about five main areas: immigration, infrastructure, trade, national security, and particularly the economy.

He'll also no doubt tout how the effects his tax cuts and deregulation have helped bring America a booming economy, like he did at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday.

"Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs, and your investments to the United States," Trump said.

He may also expand on his plan for "Dreamers," the nearly 2 million illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children.

"The president's proposal of allowing 1.8 million 'Dreamers' a pathway forward with citizenship is a huge step in the right direction," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, told ABC News on Sunday.

Trump's immigration reform plan is drawing support and criticism from both sides of the aisle, but with some Democrats willing to negotiate, talks of a deal may soon begin.