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Incredible Photos of Very Early Developing Babies in the Womb Expose Pro-Abortionists' Lie about Human Development

Kelsey Straeter : Jan 8, 2018

These stunning images share that pre-born children are not "clumps of cells" or merely "tissue," but humans who possess inherent dignity and the right to life. -Live Action

[] The notion that life begins at conception has long been debated between pro-life and pro-abortion advocates. While Planned Parenthood and other leftist organizations have tried to convince women that their babies are merely a cluster of cells, more and more research has continued to attest to the opposite. (Photo: Human embryo at 3 to 4 weeks/Credit: Lunar Caustic/via Faithit)

A recent photoshoot posted to Flickr by Lunar Caustic offers a breathtaking high-resolution look into life inside the womb as early as 3 weeks. That's before many women even know that they're pregnant. The stunning photos captured by this talented photographer were shared by Live Action earlier this year, and have since created waves of support for the pro-life community across the web.

And Lunar Caustic isn't the only one shedding light on the fact that life begins at conception. (Photo: Human embryo at 6 to 7 weeks/Credit: Lunar Caustic/via Faithit)

From the raw photos this mother shared of her stillborn delivered at 14 weeks to the heartbeat this mama discovered on her baby's ultrasound just before aborting her 'clump of cells,' signs of life inside the womb are everywhere.

To learn more about how you can help women choose life for their babies, visit If you or someone you know is considering abortion, visit now, or call 1-855-771-HELP (4357) to speak with a licensed Christian counselor today.

**Check out Lunar Caustic's full collection on the Stages of Human Development here.