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"Choosing Donald Trump" Author Sheds Light on White House 2018 Agenda and the Role of Faith

Josh Shepherd : Jan 8, 2018

[Believers] need to constantly pray for leaders to have wise counselors around them. Living in DC as we both do, we know that what comes out of the White House or a Senator's office has to do with the advisors around them. I always pray they have wise and godly advisors around them. I always pray that their own hearts are drawn to God.

[] Author of over 20 books, Stephen Mansfield attempts to fairly tackle the 2016 election and new administration in his latest book. Titled Choosing Donald Trump: God, Anger, Hope and Why Christian Conservatives Supported Him, it relies on sources right, left and in-between to present a factual portrait with all its color and flaws. (Photo: President Trump boards Airforce One/AP photo/via Daily Mail UK)

He commented on President Trump's faith advisors in an earlier story. "To engage in prophetic distance is to evaluate rather than fully sign on to some agenda," he said. "In Donald Trump's case, he actually respects people who challenge him if he believes they are not intending him any harm."

Now Mansfield examines what's on the White House agenda for 2018, why the faith advisors matter, and how he urges believers to pray for President Trump...

Click here to read this entire interesting interview with Stephen Mansfield—which is Part Two in its series.