Breaking Christian News

Are you ready to support your heart health?

Paid Advertisement : Oct 17, 2017

Can you believe how 2017 has been so far?

I have seen so many people overcome sickness and disease by simply strengthening their faith, changing their diet and laughing more!

I hear this all the time, “Dr. Colbert, isn’t there just a pill I can take that will make me healthy?” The simple answer is no, but there are some incredibly simple steps you can take to support a healthy heart that will also help your skin glow.

I have come across some fascinating research that I know you will enjoy reading.  I also included a short video explaining the steps with my son Kyle.

Click here to read about this new research

Wishing You Divine Health,

Don Colbert, M.D.

For a list of ingredients, click here.

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Returns accepted within 60 days of purchase if product is un-opened.

**Note: You will not be ordering this item from Breaking Christian News. Your order will be processed on the Divine Health site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.

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