Mysterious Honey Bee Disappearance Nonexistent in Land of Milk and Honey
Eliana Rudee : Sep 14, 2017
" reference to when our forefather Jacob sent his sons down to Egypt, they brought with them some type of honey or beehive. The honey that comes out of this area is clearly special." -Yael Farbstein, an Israeli bee farmer
[] While countless studies consistently show that honey bees are dying out in the U.S. and in Europe, their continual flourishing in Israel validates the Biblical description of Israel as a land with blossoming fruits and flowing with milk and honey. (Photo: Haim Efrat, head of the Ministry of Agriculture's beekeeping division and one of Israel's foremost experts on the bee, examines a hive/credit: Debra Kamin/via Times of Israel)
The problem, known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), was first observed in France in 1994, then in the United States in 2006, and has since been found all throughout Europe and North America...
The disappearance of honey bees poses a serious threat to cultivated crops and the 90 percent of wild plants that are dependent on insect pollination, as honey bees are the world's primary pollinators...
But in Israel, a land promised to "flow with milk and honey," damage to hives is miraculously non-existent, despite use of the same pesticides that are shown to lead to CCD.
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