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Democrats Reverse Decision Requiring Candidates to Support Abortion: Party Members Freak Out

Lisa Bourne : Aug 3, 2017

U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Lujan's comments on a big tent Democratic Party conflicts with those of Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, who, back in April, made the extreme statement that only those Democratic candidates that support abortion would receive party backing.

(Washington, DC)—[LifeSiteNews] A Democratic Party leader's apparent reversal of a pro-abortion "litmus test" for Democratic candidates is receiving significant pushback from the left. (Photo: Pro-life demonstration/Claire Chretien/via

U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico, who is chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said the party would have to "be a big family" if it wants to regain control of the U.S. House and should not withhold financial backing from candidates opposed to abortion.

"There is not a litmus test for Democratic candidates," Luján said.

In a report from The Hill, Luján, currently in his second term as DCCC chairman, is said to be casting a wide net for Dem candidates. A map on the wall in his office displays dozens of Republican-held districts that he looks to flip back to the Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.

The Dems suffered significant losses at all levels in 2016 aside from President Trump's historic victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The election has been viewed as a pro-life victory. International pro-life group The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) cited stats in a Marist poll in post-election analysis saying the hardline pro-abortion position of candidates like Hillary Clinton does not resonate with the American public. 

Among the issues that plagued the party during the campaign: WikiLeaks exposure of emails showing the DNC favoring Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the primary, a longtime Clinton adviser found while working a CNN contributor to have leaked debate questions to the Clinton campaign, and ensuing DNC leadership upheavals.

The Democratic Party has struggled since then with the election results and finding its way forward.

"As we look at candidates across the country, you need to make sure you have candidates that fit the district, that can win in these districts across America," Lujan stated.

"To pick up 24 [seats] and get to 218, that is the job. We'll need a broad coalition to get that done," he said. "We are going to need all of that, we have to be a big family in order to win the House back."

Lujan's statements have drawn predictable pro-abort ire...

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