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California Taxpayers Are Paying Millions to Experiment on Aborted Baby Parts: This Legislator is Trying to Stop It

Fr. Mark Hodges : Jun 29, 2017

Since Donald Trump was elected president, Democrats and Planned Parenthood have been working feverishly to garner state tax funding for the nation's largest and most lucrative abortion conglomerate in case Congress takes away federal assistance to facilities that commit abortions.

airlift(Sacramento, CA)—[LifeSiteNews] California uses tax dollars to pay for experimentation with aborted baby parts that financially benefits the abortion industry and a state legislator is trying to put a stop to it. (Image: 3D Ultrasound /Shutterstock/via

For 12 years, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine has been spending billions of tax dollars on fruitless embryonic stem cell experimentation. Created in 2004, CIRM was approved by voters based on promises that fetal and embryonic stem cells were the key to curing Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, and every ailment. These promises proved false.

The truth is that destructive embryonic stem cell experimentation has resulted in no cures for anything. Non-destructive adult stem cell research, however, has already advanced science to help numerous afflictions.

State Senator John Moorlach of Orange County is leading the fight to save wasted taxpayer money and defund CIRM. But Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses have ties to the stem cell business and therefore oppose defunding CIRM.

Congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood's illegal trafficking in aborted baby parts discovered, among other crimes, that abortionists and their co-workers counsel mothers to abort their babies because of the "cures" their babies' cells can help create.

And not only does CIRM and other government-funded "research" institutions lend justification for abortuary commerce, but Planned Parenthood directly profits from the use of aborted babies as a source of stem cells. Planned Parenthood Action Packs across the state sent numerous letters opposing defunding CIRM in order to keep their piece of the multimillion dollar pie.

"California taxpayers are being immorally extorted three times over," California Family Council President Jonathan Keller told LifeSiteNews. The California Family Council promotes God's design for life, family, and liberty through California's church, community, capital, and culture.

First of all, Keller notes that "the Golden State forces its citizens to pay for abortion coverage through every individual and employer provided insurance plan." California also "remains one of a handful of states to directly pay for elective surgical abortion through MediCal, the state's version of the federal Medicaid program."

"But even worse is how California incentivizes medical research on the body parts of aborted children," Keller charged. "As if directly funding Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers wasn't bad enough, Californians also offer a perverse incentive to 'maximize revenue' on each fetus destroyed."

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