Standing Ovations as President Trump Delivers Powerful Speech to Evangelicals: "We're Under Siege, But Our Best Days Are Yet to Come!"
Bob Eschliman : Jun 9, 2017
Charisma News
The President spoke while FBI Director James Comey was testifying before the Senate Intelligence meeting yesterday.
(Washington, DC) — [Charisma News] If President Donald Trump were in any way concerned about what former FBI Director James Comey might be telling the Senate Intelligence Committee at the Hart Senate Office Building, he didn't show it while speaking on the other side of our nation's capital at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" Conference. (Screengrab via YouTube)
And if evangelicals in attendance at the event were in any way concerned about the president they carried to victory last November, they didn't show it, either. The president gave a powerful speech, and his audience responded with equal forcefulness.
"We're under siege, you understand that," he said during his opening remarks. "But we will come out bigger and better and stronger than ever."
Throughout the 35-minute speech — click here to watch — the audience gave the president standing ovations as he discussed rolling back enforcement of the so-called Johnson Amendment, fighting for religious freedom, defending life, and fighting against terrorism. But the speech ended with the following statement:
"We understand that a nation is more than just geography. A nation is the sum of its citizens: their hopes, their dreams, their values and their prayers. America is a land rich with history and culture, and filled with people of courage, kindness and strength. Though we have many stories we all share at home, the one thing we do share is one beautiful destiny.
Whether we are black, or brown, or white, we all bleed the same red blood. We all salute the same great American flag. And we are all made by the same almighty God. We face many challenges, there are many hills and mountains to climb, but one by one, we will scale those summits, and we will get the job done and get the job done correctly.
"We will prove worthy of this very, very important moment in history. As long as we have pride in our beliefs, courage in our convictions and faith in our God, then we will not fail. And, as long as our country remains true to its values, loyal to its citizens and devoted to its Creator, then our best days are yet to come. Because we will make America great again!"